Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Boatyard Manager Michael Gorman reports work continues on the historic restoration of 1889 bugeye Edna E. Lockwood, with each of the nine-logs making up her new hull pinned together and shipwrights fitting chunks in her bow and stern over the summer. Edna Lockwood represents the last of her kind, as the oldest historic log-hull bugeye still under sail.
It was a busy spring in the boatyard, with the hull flipped via crane in April and the two wing logs pinned to the rest of the assembled hull in May. In July, the hull was moved around the boatyard to sit directly next to Edna E. Lockwood in preparation for the next steps in her restoration. In September, Edna’s topside will be moved to the new hull so shipwrights can begin to marry the two, an important step in the restoration project. New stems, hatches, additional structure will be installed this fall, and sails will be sent out to have new ones made.
The team is restoring CBMM’s queen of the fleet and National Historic Landmark Edna E. Lockwood by replacing her nine-log hull, in adherence to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Vessel Preservation. Shipwright apprentices working on the project are generously supported by the Seip Family Foundation and the RPM Foundation. All work takes place in full public view through 2018, when Edna will be placed on the marine railway and launched at CBMM’s OysterFest in October.